2016. May Newsletter

Dear Patient!

Our DENTIST working for you, and now you can walk around our HEATH CENTRE with a mouse. News from the Robert Karoly Private Clinic in May.

New approach in dentistry

Our dentist is working for you! Even by supporting you, and helping to make decisions or choices.

You can now have a dentistry examination and a detailed treatment plan, for the price of a panoramic X-ray image, without the pressure or the compulsion of having to have the treatment done at our clinic as well!

Dentist…this word evokes discomforting treatment and enormous expenses in most of us. Our dentist would like to dispel these associations!

Our young dentist acquired his knowledge at outstanding dentistry facilities. He has provided hundreds of unique solutions for patients. His know-how is up-to-date and self-assured, his professionalism is impressive. He is a young doctor with steady hands, great commitment to his trade and a sprinkle of fresh humour.

His aim is to earn the trust of patients, based on real knowledge and first-hand experience.

Examination and treatment plan

Consultation with our dentist is a real experience, and one with a valuable outcome.

If you call our colleague on 06 40 372 300, she will first of all arrange an appointment for a dentistry examination. You will meet Dr. Ádám Majoros, our dentist. He will determine your status, and, if warranted, make a panoramic X-ray image right away, on site. He will then consult with you, and discuss in detail the order of the necessary interventions and the gist of the procedures. In addition to the treatment plan, we will also provide a price offer, with payment terms suited to your needs.

The price of the status examination, dental X-ray and treatment plan is just 2500 HUF.

You will then possess all the information you need to be able to weigh up the options and make a confident decision. Should you decide to go ahead with treatment based on the plan, you will receive a 10% discount from the price offer, and you will be on course to start restoring the condition of your teeth.

Family dentistry

Dr. Zsófia Szendrő is our paediatric dentist. If you would like to make sure that your children should not be afraid of dentistry examinations going forward, place your trust in Dr. Szendrő. By reading her interview, you can see for yourself that her know-how and her approach as a doctor ensure that your child’s teeth should remain healthy.

3D tour

Now you can walk around our Health Centre with a mouse! The virtual tour of our clinic is now available. Take a peek inside our offices, explore our facility!

This virtual visit will hopefully convince you that our professionalism, state-of-the-art equipment and comprehensive services guarantee that placing your health and that of your family in our hands is a good decision. We look forward to your visit, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day!

Új szűrővizsgálatunk segítségével minden fertőzésen átesett páciensünk teljes körűen ellenőrizheti fizikai állapotát. Ha decemberben foglal januári időpontot, 4000 forint kedvezményt adunk!
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